
The content and opinions expressed in this blog are mine. They do not represent the US Government or US Peace Corps - Jud Dolphin

Saturday, March 21


Winter in Maine has its beauty, but it goes on and on for so long. This week Spring has sprung according to the calendar, but here in Maine the winter remains.

When I arrived back in Maine, I was greeted by a driveway engulfed in snow. Bob, my neighbor and Bruce, my Realtor, had kept open a narrow path to the front door. The rest was frozen in about 3 feet of snow and ice. Finding someone to help me dig out was a challenge.
Finally I found two young fellows who labored hard for about two hours. “Mister,” one young man said. “We cant get through the ice....sorry.” At the bottom of the drive was a block of ice that had accumulated from the run-off of the down spout. It was about a foot thick and larger than a 4x8 piece of plywood. I paid the fellows and applied salt and waited and waited for a warm day.

Yesterday, was the first full day of Spring.

I talked with Marilyn on the phone. She told me that up at her camp in Dexter Maine, the ice fishing is in full bloom. Marilyn say the ice is about a foot thick. Across the lake little shanty huts pop up like Spring flowers do in warmer places. Mainers gather in these huts, bore a hole into the ice and wait. They stay warm by imbibing liquid heat. Like the old joke says, “Fishing – one jerk waiting and waiting for another jerk.”

Ahhh, Spring in Maine!

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